Camper Forms

“Sometimes I feel bad for my parents. I mean, they have to do all this paperwork and all I have to do is have fun!”
All forms are due by April 15, and must be submitted individually for each camper.

Importance of Forms
Regardless of whether this is your 1st or 7th summer, camp requires updated paperwork each year. We know they can be time-consuming, but the detail you provide allows us to provide the best care possible for your child. Please devote the proper time and attention to filling them out accurately in preparation for each summer. A lot changes in a year, and the only way we can be fully prepared for your camper is to have the most up-to-date paperwork. We thank you in advance for taking the time to fill out each form thoroughly.

honesty is the best policy
Full Disclosure
When completing your camper forms, please err on the side of oversharing. Sometimes parents hesitate to share information about their child’s behavior or past experiences, out of fear the information may be used to label their child. We understand parents want their child to have a fresh start at camp. Knowing about a learning difficulty, ADHD, social challenges, a death, or a family change makes a big difference in helping us to be sensitive to your child’s needs. Information is confidential, and our only goal is to better understand your child, and make the most of their Kingswood experience.

Forms are due by April 15 and are required for each camper. Please note, if you are experiencing difficulties or delays in completing your forms please simply email requesting assistance or an extension. Campers are not allowed on the bus with incomplete forms.

Accessing Forms
Forms live in your CampInTouch Account. CampinTouch is the same platform you used to register for camp.
To access and submit online forms:
1. Go to or use the Campanion app.
2. Log in with the same username and password used to register.
3. Click on “Forms and Downloads.”
4. Click on the name of the form you wish to fill out.
5. Form links turn green when successfully completed.

Completing Forms
There are two types of forms in CampinTouch. You will see a computer image next to forms that can be completed online. You will see a down-pointing arrow next to forms that require you to download and print the forms to complete by hand and then upload. To upload forms, log into your CampInTouch Account, select Forms and Documents from the dashboard, and select the up-pointing arrow on the form you wish to upload.
Please note that our Camper Code of Conduct and Family Handbook
Acknowledgement require your camper to review and sign these forms.
This year we are introducing an Additional Options form. This form allows families to opt-in to add-ons that will enhance their camper experience. These include renting linens & towels, scheduling therapy calls with their home therapists and B’nei Mitzvah tutoring. This form only needs to be completed if you are interested in partaking in any additional options.
A licensed medical professional signature is required on the physical exam and
immunization form as well as the approval for carrying self-administered medications. These forms must be completed by a licensed medical professional and signed by them within the last 12 months.
Forms requiring a doctor’s signature and forms to print and fill out by hand can be scanned with your phone in the Campanion app, or uploaded directly from a computer in your CampinTouch account, or scanned and emailed to, subject line “Camper Forms,” or mailed to:
Camper Forms
Camp Kingswood
104 Wildwood Road
Bridgton ME 04009
If you need to make edits to any form after submission just reach out to us at and we will assist you with making changes.

Forms Checklist
The following forms must be completed and uploaded or submitted by email to, subject line “Forms,” by April 15, 2025:
To be completed online:
- Family Questionnaire
- Bunk Request Form
- Transportation Form
- Canteen Spending and Trip Money Authorization
- Camper Code of Conduct
- Family Handbook Acknowledgement
- Health History Form
- CampMeds Acknowledgement
- Zohar Questionnaire
Optional forms to be completed online:
- Authorization to Release Information
- Additional Options Form: This form will give you the option to select if you camper would like to rent linens or participate in B’nei Mitzvah Tutoring or schedule calls with their home therapists.
- B’nei Mitzvah Tutoring Form (only if applicable)
To be printed and uploaded upon completion:
- Note To My Counselor
- Physical Health Examination and Immunization Form
- Approval for Carrying and Self-Administration of Emergency Medication (only if applicable)
Forms requiring a doctor’s signature and forms to print and fill out by hand can be scanned with your phone in the Campanion app, or uploaded directly from a computer in your CampinTouch account, or scanned and emailed to, subject line “Camper Full Name – Forms,” or mailed to:
Camper Forms
Camp Kingswood
104 Wildwood Road
Bridgton ME 04009