(Rising 10th graders)

Chalutzim (pioneers) have reached the pinnacle of their camper days as the 10th graders at Kingswood.
The Chalutzim program is intentionally designed to offer a capstone experience that looks and feels differently from our other camper units. In Chalutzim, each camper is encouraged to develop their own individual goals for the summer, and then work closely with each other and their staff to make sure there’s nothing left on their Kingswood Camper Bucket List!
Chalutzim campers serve as leaders and role models for the whole Kingwood community! They have special roles in all-camp programs, and in addition to bunk activities, they have unit time, when they are elevating their leadership skills, focusing on their personal growth, and strengthening their ability to work as part of a team. Kingswood alumni say that Chalutzim was a better crash course in leadership and personal growth than any summer job they could have been doing in high school! Chalutzim incorporates social justice and tikkun olam into their program, and each summer they contribute to our local Bridgton community as volunteers at soup kitchens, senior centers, and other community programs. Each grade in Chalutzim has its own special 3-day adventure trip, and Chalutzim campers have special opportunities to explore our incredible natural Maine surroundings right outside our gates with rock climbing, hiking, white water rafting, and more!
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