Jewish Community

Jewish day school is where our boys developed their Jewish head. Camp is where they found their Jewish heart.
At Kingswood, we don’t believe there is one “right” way to be Jewish, and we welcome campers from all different backgrounds and perspectives. We have campers for whom camp is their only Jewish experience and others who attend Jewish Day School. Everyone feels welcome and included at Kingswood.
In our vibrant and spirited community, Jewish values, traditions, and rituals are learned and lived. They’re woven into the very fabric of camp life, from the way we welcome new campers to the way we show good sportsmanship on the courts. Campers are empowered to be active players in shaping our Jewish community through leading parts of our Shabbat festivities, bonding with Israeli campers and staffers, singing and dancing in our unbelievable ruach (spirit) sessions, participating in fun and experiential programs, and actively engaging in tikkun olam (repairing the world).
We encourage campers and staff alike to feel comfortable and confident in the exploration of their own Jewish identity, however that may look for them. We embolden our campers to see their Jewish identity as a ‘cool’ and special part of themselves that they love and honor, both while they’re at camp, and for the rest of their lives.

Everyone is welcome at Camp Kingswood.