As we approach Summer 2023, we continue to monitor COVID protocols for the State of Maine and recommendations from the American Camp Association. If you’d like to see how we successfully managed COVID in 2022, read last summer’s protocols below.
Summer 2022 is here and COVID-19 is still very much on our radar. While it is likely COVID will become part of a common list of health concerns we face each summer (like other contagious illnesses like strep throat, fevers, and pink eye), we will be taking specific precautions and implementing COVID protocols this season.
Our summer COVID protocols have been established to provide the safest and least restrictive camp experience for our campers. Our decisions are being made in consultation with the most current CDC and American Camp Association recommendations, with our team of consulting physicians from St. Joseph Hospital in Maine (a part of St. Joseph Healthcare, a member of Covenant Health), and with input from our experienced nursing team.
For additional questions, be in touch to schedule a call.
Pre-Arrival and Arrival COVID Testing
Rapid Antigen Test #1: Conducted at home within 48-72 hours of departure. Campers who have documented proof of a positive COVID test within the past 90 days are exempt from this test.
Rapid Antigen Test #2: Brought from home (unopened) to be administered at the bus (or packed in their carry-on if flying). This test is required for all campers, even if they have had COVID within the last 90 days. If they test positive but are asymptomatic and have documentation of a positive test within 90 days, they will be permitted to board the bus wearing a mask.
For campers taking a bus: The test should not be opened until you arrive at drop-off, at which time you will be instructed to open and administer the test, wait 15 minutes in your car, and then show the results to a Kingswood staff member on-site. (We will not hold buses for late families, so please arrive with plenty of time to test.)
If a test is positive, the camper’s 5-day quarantine will begin, and the camper will be invited to camp the morning of Day 6 if they are symptom-free. If a camper is not symptom-free after five days, we will make the appropriate arrival timeline with the parents.
For campers flying: The test should be packed into the camper’s carry-on, so it can be easily accessed once they land. Upon connecting with a Kingswood staff person at the airport, the camper will be asked to take out the test so the staff person can help administer it prior to boarding the bus to camp.
If a test is positive, alternate transportation will be arranged to bring the camper to camp and they will enter their quarantine in the Health Center. They will remain quarantined at camp for five days or longer if they continue to exhibit symptoms.
The CDC recommends a 5-day quarantine upon a positive COVID test. Because of this, we are recommending that campers also test six days prior to camp (so a positive camper can start their quarantine that day, possibly making Camp Drop-Off their Day 6), and the morning of departure at home (to avoid testing positive once at the bus).
Testing in Camp
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
Positive Cases
As per our 2022 Health Center Standing Orders and our Family Handbook, you will be notified if your child spends the night in the Health Center, needs to be taken to an out-of-camp doctor, emergency room or clinic, or has been prescribed any type of medication.
Out-of-Camp Trips
Inter-Camp Competitions
Visiting Day

Still have questions?