
A camp experience for everyone
For Kingswood campers who need more support than a typical bunk can provide, our Zohar program could be a great fit! This unique program offers one of the only opportunities for campers with physical and cognitive disabilities to have a Jewish camp experience that is not a shomer Shabbat setting.

The Zohar program requires campers to be able to tend to their own daily living needs (with reminders), but beyond that, we accommodate kids with all different needs, including (but not limited to) Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Down’s Syndrome, and other neurodiversities. Zohar staff are hand-picked and come with years of experience working with kids with neurodiversities. They are trained to provide as much support as each individual camper requires—including 1:1 assistance—and the Zohar staff live in the bunks alongside the campers. Working with Zohar campers is such a sought-after role at camp that we consistently have more applicants than staff positions available!
Every Zohar camper has an annual in-depth intake meeting with the head of the Zohar program in the spring, so we can have all the information we need to ensure a successful camp experience for each Zohar camper! To learn more about the Zohar program for your child, contact us.