Our Program

Welcome to Camp Kingswood.
The Camp Kingswood experience is authentic, meaningful, and unique. Every day brings something new for our campers—from arts to science to watersports to music, campers are always discovering new interests and growing their talents. Whether campers are here for two weeks or seven, there’s never a dull moment at Camp Kingswood!

Daily Schedule
There’s a day-to-day routine that helps campers quickly feel at home, but there are also ways that we break the script to keep things exciting! We offer campers a balance of bunk time and electives. Bunk activities give campers a diverse experience to try lots of different, new things and to bond with their bunkmates, while electives specialize in developing skills in areas campers are most passionate about.

Jewish Community
With Jewish values seamlessly woven into camp life, our campers also have impactful Jewish experiences every day. Whether it’s celebrating Shabbat or making music in our ruach (spirit) sessions, campers explore, engage with, and learn to love their Jewish identity at Camp Kingswood.

Special Events
Every day at Camp Kingswood is action-packed, but our special event days are extra exciting! From showing off skills at the Dance and Gym Show to face painting at our 4th of July carnival, our special events are a time for the whole camp community to come together and have a blast!